Science Awards Order Form

Order Form for the Science Awards Schemes

Fill out the form and click the submit button at the end of the form. Take note of what you have ordered for your records. You will receive an order confirmation by email with the pdf invoice attached. If you have any order enquiries email

Please read pinned note

DO NOT CLOSE THIS PAGE until you have downloaded the pdf invoice or received your order confirmation by email.

The email address that you have submitted on the order form will get an email confirmation. Please wait  several minutes for the email to arrive OR you can download the pdf yourself, by clicking ‘Download’ in the Thank you message at the end of the order view. This will download into your Downloads folder on your computer. The view will disappear after 10 minutes.

Science Badges, Science Explorer Badges, Advanced Science Explorer Badges and Science Activity Challenges

Please supply the following activity cards and badges. Science Badges are $6.00 each. Please select how you are going to pay for this order before submitting the order form.


Payment Details

  • We would appreciate payment on receipt of the order.
  • An invoice will accompany your order.
  • We are a charitable organisation and are GST registered.
  • If you require a large order of one specific badge, please place your order early as we may need to order more badges.
  • If you have any order enquiries please email:

Internet Banking for Science Award Trust bank account:

  • When using internet banking to pay for your order, please quote the invoice number which accompanies your order in the payment details section.
  • Our Internet banking account is: 03 0823 0200329 00

Payment with Cash:

If you are paying with cash, please send a copy of the invoice with your payment to: Science Award Trust
21 Kingrove Street
Christchurch 8053

NOTE: Please wait for your order confirmation BEFORE leaving this page and website. The INVOICE for your order comes with the email confirmation. OR you can download the pdf invoice yourself after submitting the order.